Archos 5 Android hands-on

Archos 5 Android hands-on

In Paris, Archos has impressed the audience during the launch of its new Archos 5 tablet in Paris. There were about 600 attendees, so the room was *packed*. The tablet is very nice and the demos were good. Most came away with a very good impression of the Archos 5.

The Archos 5 looks great, the display is very sharp and bright. The colors are very good although the photos don’t do them justice (trust us on that one). The back of the device is nice too: it’s actually supposed to be shiny, but it was way saturated with fingerprints (yuck!). Clearly, it is a well-built device that doesn’t feel cheap.

It goes head to head with the iPod Touch, and it actually seems to beat the Touch for everything, except for the application library (!). Archos says that it’s a pocket device, and it might “technically” be, but it is still a relatively big device. So far, everything seemed to work as advertised, but we can’t really tell if it is an “iPod killer”. The larger format and the lower number of application are wildcards.

We found a couple of videos that shows the device in action:

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