If you’re rich enough to have a pool in your backyard, chances are you would be able to afford a hired hand to keep said pool clean. Well, times might be tougher for some than the rest right now, so you might just have to stop hiring outside help to keep your personal oasis clear of goo and gunk, which is where the Solar Powered Pool Skimmer comes in. It won’t argue or pull a long face no matter how many times you put it to work, and best of all is, you can always rely on our solar system’s star to keep it going…and going…and going. Using dual paddle wheels, the Solar Powered Pool Skimmer will collect debris and send it to the stainless steel filter while it goes about your pool. A quartet of wheels on the side allow it to make turns and navigate around the pool perimeter. Would you fork out $500 for this puppy?
Filed in Eco (environment), Solar and Solar Power.
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