Samsung has finally rolled out its SCH-W760 cellphone in South Korea, making it the first handset in the world to come with an infrared camera, letting you hold video calls even in low-light situations like a club, where such a situation would best go with a bone conduction Bluetooth headset. In addition, you will still be able to snap much clearer images with the 3-megapixel camera behind, viewing the results on a 2.8″ AMOLED display with 240 x 400 resolution. Other features of the SCH-W760 include 8GB of internal memory, a microSD memory card slot, S-DMB TV support and high speed 3G connectivity. Folks in South Korea can expect to pick up this handset for approximately $457, and it remains to be seen whether Samsung will make available this handset in other markets.
Filed in Samsung.
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