This morning, Google’s Vic Gundotra (Google Mobile SVP) has confirmed that the Google Latitude location-based service will show up on the iPhone. Apparently, Google was waiting on the iPhone OS 3.0 and its “location-based services in the browser” to make the service work on iPhone.
Latitude is interesting, but it lacks a couple of things to make it truly usable, like an auto-shutdown after 2 hours (or any length of time). Most people end up leaving the stuff on all the time because it’s a hassle to go in and stop it. The GPS would add extra drain on the battery. Secondly, the iGoogle Latitude window is ridiculously small . I’m not even mentioning the fact that you need a Google account. Latitude should give one the option of sharing a non-secure location via Google Maps. Glympse is arguably a very interesting alternative.
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