How many of you played Laser Tag when you were younger? I still remember those advertisements in older comics, where the red and blue teams were going down the wire in their latest round, and somebody was sweating behind the safety of an obstacle, wondering whether or not to take the chance and aim his laser gun at the opponent. Unfortunately he did, with his opponent being the fastest shot. Well, fast forward a few decades and you have the laser tag gloves that will not require you to pull a trigger, as all you need to do is create a fist to send a beam towards your target as long as he/she remains within a 45 meter range. A sound bar is there to create shooting noises to add to its realism, while the glove can keep track of the amount of lives you have remaining in the game. At £12.73 a set, we guess this is cheap and good entertainment for the little ones as they run around the park in it.