The iPhone Is Sensitive To Moisture... Your Moisture!

The iPhone is quite a brick to attach to the arm or to have in the pocket while exercising, but we have spotted users who do like to exercise with their favorite phone/mp3 player. That’s nice, but they should be aware that there are reports of iPhone that have been damaged by sweat. KPRC Channel 2 has an interesting report and video on the subject.

When their iPhones stopped working properly, both said Apple employees told them a moisture sensor on their devices had been tripped. “It happens all the time,” said Pittman, repeating what he said an Apple employee at the Willowbrook, Texas, store told him. “He said they have this issue all the time.”

The iPhone water sensor is more accessible than in most phones – it is right on the edge of the phone, while many have this inside the battery compartment. Obviously, there are pro and cons in making the phone more sensitive to moisture. In Most cases, the use of an external case will prevent the problem. Yes, it’s not “convenient”, but you’ve been warned!

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