Kyoto Box Solar Stove

Kyoto Box Solar Stove

The answers to certain questions in life seem so simple at times that we often wonder why we didn’t think of it before. Case in point, using a couple of carboard boxes that have been painted in black to capture solar enery so that it heats up air within the box to boil food and water in addition to bake stuff is but a brilliant $5 idea known as the Kyoto Box, targeting poor nations whose people still lack the basic amenities, not to mention being unable to raise funds to purchase electrical items like kettles and microwave ovens for their humble homes. Bear in mind the Kyoto Box can’t fry food yet, and it works only in the presence of strong sunlight so we suspect this will be big in areas like Africa although the more temperate places will find this pretty much useless for half of the year or so.

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