GD-Itronix GD8000 Rugged PC

GD-Itronix has introduced its GD8000 ultra-rugged notebook PC that actually supersedes the US military’s MIL-STD 810F specifications with its rugged design. Imagine the original specifications that require the device to withstand 3 foot falls with the ability to boot up 26 times consecutively afterwards, GD-Itronix claims their product can be dropped from an extra half-foot high while doing the booting thing with gusto. In addition, it is able to function like new despite having up to 30 gallons of water sprayed at 40mphs for four hours non-stop. You will need broad shoulders for the GD8000 though as it weighs a massive 6.9lb, and will come with the following specifications :-

  • Intel Core 2 Duo 1.86GHz processor
  • 2GB RAM
  • Integrated 4500MHD with 1GB of shared video memory
  • 120GB hard drive
  • Optional 64GB SSD
  • Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity
  • Integrated GPS sensor
  • Fingerprint and Smart Card reader

Naturally, something this tough won’t come cheap, which is why the GD8000 has been slapped with a $3,800 premium.

Filed in Computers >Military..