Fujitsu Siemens ESPRIMO Green Zero-watt PC

A zero-watt PC? Sounds pretty impossible, but that word does not exist in the dictionaries of the folks at Fujitsu-Siemens. The companies’ ESPRIMO Green zero-watt PC claims to consume not a single iota of power while in standby mode – something most of our home appliances cannot boast, and remains administrable. It would be interesting to see huge corporations replace their computers with the Fujitsu Siemens ESPRIMO Green zero-watt PC if they want to slash their power bills in the long run, although a cheaper and better way of doing it would be to educate their employees to shut down the computer and unplug it from the mains whenever they go home. No word on pricing on the new ESPRIMOs, but they will be out sometime in the middle of this year.

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