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3.47 iKnow!
iKnow! is an interactive learning platform primarily based on audio and web interactivity. They have an API and a developper site so any website can customize the platform and embed it .3.41 Semanti Corp product Semantifind
Bruce the presenter is a searchoholic. Hi Bruce! SemantiFind is a browser add-on and provides more relevant search result in a sub-window embedded in the Google search results page.
3.30 Radiant Logic product Virtual Context Server (VCS)
The Virtual Context Server create links in structured data across applications and database and can organize them into simple sentences that delivers meaningfull information. It combines data coming from different data silos and re-arrange them.
3.25 Rebus Technology product Recollect Desktop
Recollect Desktop helps users find any type of document on their desktop including scanned documents. The core feature of Recollect Desktop is the patented fuzzy search technology that allows to search for mispelled words inside in text or scanned documents. read more on the article Note: Vijay Rangarajan, Rebus Technology CEO, is the creator of the TIFF format3.16 Intelius product iSearch
iSearch use semantic technology from different resources, online and offline, to research on people. They are giving a demo on stage on the way users can search on people… it is a bit scary though, d we want anybody to gather detailed information about us?
3.14 Infovell
Less than 0.2% of the web is indexed (source UC Berkeley), the deep web is the rest of the information that are not indexed by standard search engine. Example: Alistair wanted to search on Vasculitis, a rare auto-immune disease he was experiencing. So he started to research about it in Google, but he discovered that the search posibilites were limited, like the 32 characters limits. So he went to Infovell and he found quicker more relevant information. With Infovell users can type thousand of characters queries .It is not search, it is research.
3.07 TetraBase
Tetrabase optimize the database usage with pre- and co-processing technology, better inter-data base coordination and event alerting to imporve database access and performancesDISTRIBUTED
2.58 iWidgets
iWidgets makes it easy for websites to deliver Social Ads that show off what their users are doing. Whether it’s their scores, outfits or favorite recipes, users will want to add it to their social profiles, which will drive traffic and interest from their friends. iWidgets is the only Social Ad solution that offers PowerPoint-style drag-and-drop and native publication to Facebook, MySpace, andiGoogle
2.50 SitScape
SitScape enables users to create their situational portal by easily grabing web elements and build widgets they had on a page. it looks cool but i do not know how many users will bother to use it (humans tend to be lazy)
2.42 SpinSpotter
66% of americans the press one sided, so they want unbiased news. SpinSpotter monitors bias and inaccuracy in news stories. The system analyze articles and spot biased vocabulary then the expert users rate the spin level of the article.
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