Google also wants in in the world of online gaming by introducing the Google Lively, a browser-based online world that has been embedded in the more popular social networks such as Facebook (we told you then). This application allows users to chat, using a 3D personalized avatar in a room that they created. MySpace integration is being lined up for the near future as well, so you can be sure this will be yet another time killer in the office, sending productivity rates plunging even in times of economic hardship. No monetization plans have been discussed yet, so all the in-world objects are currently free but one might think : “start as many accounts as possible to obtain those rare items before Google starts charging, so that you can make a killing on eBay shortly thereafter”. Will we also see AdWords inside?
Update: after trying it, I can confirm that I find this to be as pointless (for me) as Second Life. May be I’m too busy with my first life, or may be I’m not seeing the point of talking to a pig head when chatting in text, or may be I’m too used to decent real-time graphics, but in any case, I have no desire to go back there for now. If you download Google Lively, you can try the room embedded below… Post a comment to tell us what you think.
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