Yes, free is the keyword here. After all, isn’t life so much better when you get things without working for them? Current iPhone contracts with AT&T offer 200 free text messages monthly, but with the new 3G iPhone, all that will change since you need to fork out another $5 monthly for 200 SMSes. Here’s a method for you to send unlimited free text messages in US and Canada. Hey, with gas prices shooting up and a gloomy economic outlook, we need to look for ways to cut corners as much as possible, right?
- How to send free text messages
1. Create a new email message.
2. In the To: box, type 10digitnumber@teleflip.com. (1235551234@teleflip.com)
3. Type a message and click send.
4. The message will be sent to the cell phone with the number in the To: box
5. All received text messages will be sent to you as an email.
Note: This only works for US and Canadian numbers.
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