10:40 – Trident Scientific Flow Workbench
This is a project of the University of Washington and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute.
They are setting the world’s first plate-scale undersea observatory. They will observe the two tectonic plates that touch along the Pacific coast. To do so, the labs placed several sensors undersea and Microsoft helps to automate the data processing pipelines to support, for example, real time visualizations.
10:41 – Berkeley Water Center
Microsoft Research collaborates with the Berkeley Water Center project to understand the regional hydrology by enabling rapid scientific data browsing for availability and applicability. The impact of the project is the maintenance of the Environmental Data Server, www.fluxdata.org that serves 921 site years of carbon-climate field data from over 160 field teams. Multiple projects are now leveraging same SQL Server database enabling 100 universities to collaborate on hydrology (CUAHSI consortium).
10:19 – CoSearch
Co-Search allows several people to collaborate on… web searches, using computers and cellphones. link: CoSearch paper (pdf)
10:10 – New concept : Singularity
It is a large new project from Microsoft Research that is available today for the academic community. The idea is “what would a software platform look like if it was designed from scratch with the primary goal of dependability?”
Another project:
research.microsoft.com/searchtogether (human collaborative search)
10:01 – Microsoft is catalyzing research in Europe by supporting , among other things, Ph.D programs for over 100 students.
9:54 – According to Rick Rashid, research provides “agility” to Microsoft, allowing them to adapt quicker to new technologies and new competitors
9:50 – Microsoft Research generates 25 percent of the company’s patents.
9:46 – Microsoft Techfest 2008 starts this morning with a keynote from Rick Rashid, Senior Vice President at Microsoft Research. He announced that Microsoft will open a research facility in new England in July. 800 Ph.D researchers currently work for Microsoft Research.