Computer Activity Takes its Toll on Real-Life Camping, Fishing

Computer Activity Takes its Toll on Real-Life Camping, Fishing

According to AP, increased computer activity has taken a toll on nature-based activities such as camping and fishing. That in turns might have an impact on how environment conservation and biodiversity are perceived, especially by children.

There’s little doubt that, for many, computer-based activity is more entertaining than fishing or camping. Not everyone likes to sleep on a slope covered with little rocks. Also, when the video-game is over, there’s no need to drive for hours before getting back home, you’re feets away from the couch. To some, Camping is nothing more than a “bum simulation” (OK, that’s pushing it).

Computers are a more comfortable form of entertaiment, but this doesn’t mean that children can’t be taught to appreciate nature and conservation – but it does take more effort. After all, can’t you travel everywhere with Google Maps? ;)

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