Photo: Larry Levy, CEO, Jodange, on stage at DEMO 08


KonoLive is the Instant Collaboration that offers a unified collaboration space, transforming processes into intuitive single-click actions.

Delver is a search engine that allows you to find content within your personal network of people. It indexes the Social Web and your social graph to deliver personalized results.

HealthPricer Interactive
HealthPrice is the Expedia for Health care according to the presenter. It is a price comparison search engine for healthcare related products and services.

Eyealike Video Copyright Search offers a new visual-based search approach that helps media content producers ward off massive amounts of copy infringement. Read more in my article.

Silobreaker is a search & aggregation service for news and current affairs that looks at the data it finds like a person does. It recognizes things companies, people, topics, places – and puts them in context. There is a cool Media Attention Trends tool that analyze the popularity of a topic in the media. Another tool is the network search that connects a keyword to related topics in a visual graph that users can easily manipulate with drag and drop actions. This looks very cool! You can try it at

While other search engines return thousands of Web pages, Circos returns a targeted set of qualified brands, ranked by their performance against consumers’ personal preferences.

Jodange provides the ability to monitor people’s opinions and sentiment about a specific topic. The demo on stage is a search about the keyword recession during October 2007. The result is delivered as a chart that you can expand to discover the opinion holders, so, we could see that, on October 18th, Alan Greenspan did not think that a recession was coming and we could find that he changed his opinion in December.

This was the last product demo session at DEMO 08!

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