ZVUE’s ZP3 digital audio player does not let you go home empty-handed – it is pre-loaded with 30 of this year’s top hits, and has been made available in more than 3,400 Wal-Mart stores and other retailers throughout the US. Unfortunately, the ZP3 MP3 player has a paltry 512MB of internal memory – looks like there are no improvements in terms of hardware one year after its launch. 512MB of space roughly translates to 125 songs in MP3 format. The ZVUE ZP3 supports DRM WMA music files, the MTP (media transport protocol) standard, and Windows Media Player 10. A single AAA battery is capable of powering the ZVUE for up to 8 hours. Audio is transferred between the computer to the ZVUE ZP3 via a USB connection. 30 top hits of the year eh, sounds like a bag of mixed surprises to me. If you’re into something a little bit more updated, why not check out the ZVUE 260 portable media player?