ESPN Super Sounds Soccer Ball

Is the interest in soccer increased where you live due to the arrival of David Beckham and his famous right boot in LA, California? For kids who want to bend it like Beckham, there is the ESPN Super Sounds Soccer Ball that emits fun sounds whenever the ball is kicked into the net. As your kid’s skills develop further, there is the option to hit an adjustable target with the ball before a fun sound can be played as you hear the announcer shout “Goal!” Each $25 purchase comes with a soccer goal that measures 2 feet x 3½ feet, an adjustable target, a two-player score keeper and an inflatable ball. Powered by a trio of AAA batteries, the ESPN Super Sounds Soccer Ball works great across all levels of child development. I must say, I’m interested in taking a crack at this myself. Better play against a wall, as you will find yourself tired out from chasing down mis-kicked balls more often than not when starting out.

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