LG Voyager Hands-On

We have published before about the LG Voyager, but there’s nothing like having some time with the device. The voyager is an interesting device that combines an external touch screen display with a second internal screen and a full-qwerty keyboard. It feels just a little too long in the hand and probably in the pocket, too. However there’s a benefit, the keyboard should be comfortable for bigger fingers and there’s enough room for speakers on each side of the screen, which will comes hand for watching videos. We did not have enough time properly evaluate the usability, but we know enough to answer the question asked many times by our readers: is it an iPhone killer? The answer is NO but if you are interested by video on the go and text messaging, check this phone out.

We think that LG should do things a little differently in the future:

1/Reduce the length by putting the speakers in a less prominent place and by shrinking the keyboard a little.

2/Instead of using two displays, keep a single high-resolution one (700×480) and use a sliding keyboard.

3/Then work a lot on the software – that’s where the real value is.

LG Voyager product page

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