Epoq has recently unveiled a tiny MP4 player that comes with a lovely 2.4″ QVGA LCD anti-scratch display, 1GB or 2GB of internal memory, and a miniSD memory card slot for expansion options. Measuring a mere 6.66mm x 50mm x 11mm, the Epoq MP4 player features a built-in speaker (although I’d highly recommend a pair of headphones for maximum enjoyment), an integrated FM radio with 40 presets, a sound/voice recorder, an image viewer, and support for a wide variety of multimedia formats. The only problem I can see with this offering from Epoq is its lack of memory, since 4GB of total memory doesn’t quite make the cut these days when you’re talking about watching video on the go. The 1GB and 2GB versions retail for $99.95 and $139.95 respectively.
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