Onkyo Japan has recently announced a HD audio PC – the HDC 1.0. Featuring a minimalist design, the HDC 1.0 is powered by an Intel Core 2 Duo T5500 1.66GHz processor and 1GB of RAM. Unfortunately, the 120GB hard drive is definitely left wanting since it leaves us with approximately 100GB to store our music once all the basic applications are installed. Additional hardware specifications include a DVD super drive, Gigabit Ethernet, half a dozen USB 2.0 ports and one Firewire port. What makes the HDC 1.0 special is the custom-made SE-90PCI sound card that was specifically designed to play back 24bit/96kHz sound. The Onkyo HDC 1.0 retails for $2,250 when it retails in March. I suppose one could cobble up these parts for a considerably lower price, but you lose out on the aesthetics.