Woods Solar Powered EZ-Tent

Since its summer, now is a good time to bring your family and rough it out for a few days in order to get away from the hustle and bustle of the hectic city life. Of course, mom and dad will enjoy taking nature walks and going out for a spot of fishing, but the younger generation who cannot be parted from their cellphones, iPods, and Nintendo DS Lites will fret at the prospect of their gadgets running out of juice. The Woods Solar Powered EZ-Tent has a set of solar panels that can be used to recharge batteries as well as power LED light ropes that are integrated into the tent. The central light can double up as a flashlight as well. 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight can provide anywhere between 2 to 4 hours of light. The EZ-Tent is available in 4-person ($180) and 6-person ($230) models.

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