Sprint HTC EVO 4G Having Memory Card Issues?

With the June 4th launch date of the HTC EVO 4G just around the corner, some worrying news has surfaced regarding this hotly anticipated device. As you probably know, Google handed out a bunch of these devices to attendeesof this year’s Google I/O, and now folks who received the device seem to be encountering some worrying problems with it. Simply put, some users are reporting that the 8GB microSD card that ships with the device seems to randomly stop working, and appears corrupt, or empty. A reboot of the device seems to fix the issue temporarily, but the problem is a recurring one. Other issues also include that camera app complaining that it’s unable to save pictures due to bad permissions, the gallery app not finding any pictures and some issues with programs that access the memory card. It still hasn’t been confirmed if this is an issue related to a faulty memory card slot, a bad firmware, or faulty memory card, but hopefully it’s only limited to the batch of devices handed out at Google I/O. Do you own one of the EVO 4Gs handed out at Google I/O, and have you noticed any issues with yours?

Update: our team confirms that it did happen with our own EVO 4G one time. The symptoms where that the camera refused to save pictures. Removing and re-inserting the microSD solved the issue.

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