
Earlier this week Apple released iOS 7.1.1 for iPhone, IPad and iPod touch. This is the first incremental update for iOS 7.1, which brought quite a few changes for Apple’s popular mobile platform. Some users had complained about loss in battery life after updating to iOS 7.1. The update actually had quite a few bugs that have been fixed by iOS 7.1.1. It appears that the latest update has also addressed battery life concerns as most users now report an improvement.

ZDNet’s Adrian Kingsley-Hughes noticed that the battery of his iPhone 5 would drop to 48 percent per six hours of use. This level of battery degradation is noticeable to say the least. He even claims seeing the battery counter drop several percentage points in one go.

Though since he updated to iOS 7.1.1, he noticed that “things have improved dramatically.” Now Kingsley-Hughes only sees battery counter drop to around 76 percent per six hours of use. Certainly a lot better than he was getting on the previous update.

A major factor in ascertaining battery life is the usage habit. Someone who likes to play a lot of games or download/stream content over cellular will see battery life degrade much faster as opposed to someone who only uses their iPhone for basic tasks such as phone calls and texting. However a survey of various blog comments leads me to believe that there has been a significant improvement in battery life for a lot of iOS users after having updated to iOS 7.1.1. Did you notice the same too?

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