Image credit – Android Police

In recent times you might have noticed that when you’re browsing the web, especially on your phone, you will come across a huge dialog screen that informs you that the website you’re visiting is using cookies. This is part of the EU’s GDPR rules and is a legal requirement for websites nowadays.

However these dialog boxes can get annoying as they can popup several times a day, and given that they are huge, they are distracting when you’re trying to browse the web. However the good news is that the folks at Opera have since built in a blocker into the latest beta of the browser where it will now help block such dialogs from appearing.

The browser will also give users the option of automatically accepting cookie dialogs if they wish, and to be fair most of us would probably have agreed to it anyway without reading too much into it. That being said, Android Police’s testing has found that the feature doesn’t work 100% of the time as they note that this could be due to how the dialogs are implemented.

However since this is only a beta, hopefully Opera will be able to figure out the kinks ahead of the public release.

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