At E3 2018 earlier this month, Bethesda surprised everyone when they announced The Elder Scrolls VI. This is because over the years, Bethesda has attempted to play down the hype and expectations of the sequel because while the company has acknowledged that they will eventually get around to it, they want to focus on other games first.

That being said, so why did they announce it at E3 2018? Does it mean that it’s close to being released? Speaking to Eurogamer, Bethesda’s Todd Howard revealed that the reason for its early announcement was so that fans of the franchise would not be disappointed and that they would stop asking if the game was in development.

According to Howard, “It’s better to say we’re making it. It makes life a little bit easier for us. [If we didn’t say anything] they would be disappointed and they’d still ask ‘What about Starfield?’ and ‘What about Elder Scrolls 6?’. But it’s also exciting! We’re excited; we want to share it with everybody.”

Unfortunately it’s still anyone’s guess as to when The Elder Scrolls VI will be launched, especially since Bethesda has more games that have yet to be launched. However at the very least gamers know that it is in the works, so it’s all about playing the waiting game for now. It remains to be seen if this early announcement will backfire because in the case of Square Enix and the Final Fantasy VII remake, the company has admitted that maybe their announcement was made too early.

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