If you rely on Alexa too much for getting stuff done daily then you won’t have to worry about life without Alexa when you’re traveling being Amazon is bringing its virtual private assistant to hotels. Amazon has announced the launch of a new version of its assistant called Alexa for Hospitality that it’s going to seed to select chain hotels and vacation rentals initially. The idea is to automate some of the service options for guests using the digital assistant.
The properties that get Alexa for Hospitality will be able to offer the guest key information about their stay and the various services offered by the hotel, control smart devices in the room such as thermostats, and even schedule services like housekeeping and room service with just voice commands.
Marriott, a global hotel chain, is Amazon’s launch partner for this initiative and given the sheer number of properties that this brand has across the globe, it’s evident that Alexa will soon be available in thousands of hotel rooms across the country.
Amazon is currently offering the system by invitation so it remains to see which other hospitality providers are added to the mix. The Alexa experience installed in hotels will be customized for each particular property and will be powered by devices like the Echo Dot, Echo, and Echo Plus.
The company says that Marriott will introduce this experience at select properties in Marriott Hotels, Westin Hotels & Resorts, St. Regis Hotels & Resorts, Aloft Hotels, and Autograph Collection Hotels from this summer.
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