Early last year before the Nintendo Switch was officially released, there were some who were wondering if Capcom’s latest installment in the Resident Evil franchise, Resident Evil 7, would be coming to the Switch. Capcom responded in a resounding no but it now looks like they might have had a change of heart, sort of.

Capcom has recently announced and launched a trailer for Resident Evil 7: Cloud Version. This is basically Resident Evil 7 for the Nintendo Switch but as the names suggests, this won’t be the regular version of the game. Instead it will be Resident Evil 7 streamed via the Ubitus cloud service which means that players who want to play the game will require an always-on internet connection.

It will also cost gamers 2,000 yen for access up to 180 days, and presumably gamers who want to keep playing behind 180 days will need to buy it again. We suppose in a way this is cheaper than buying it in full, especially if you’re not the type that replays games and finishes them in a relatively short amount of time.

However the downside is that you don’t get to keep the game and if you’re internet is down or having some issues, you won’t be able to play it. It’s an interesting approach and one we have to wonder if other developers will consider for the future. The game is currently set for a release in Japan on the 24th of May, 2018 and will give gamers 15 minutes of free play time before they make their decision.

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