Nintendo has revived a couple of its consoles from back in the day, resulting in the NES Classic, the SNES Classic, which begs the question of whether or not we could be getting more revivals in the near future. In fact in the past there have been hints of Nintendo possibly creating an N64 Classic, and now it looks like there are more signs of that happening.

According to a new trademark filing, it appears that Nintendo could indeed be working towards the creation and release of an N64 Classic. This was spotted by JapaneseNintendo in which the trademark was for the controllers and software of the N64. It is possible that Nintendo could simply be keeping its trademarks up to date to prevent intellectual property theft, but like we said based on previous releases, an N64 Classic might not be out of the question.

Nintendo has seen a fair amount of success with its Classic releases of its older consoles, prompting other companies to follow suit with similar releases of their own. This is why it isn’t such a far out idea to think that Nintendo might be looking to continue reviving its older consoles like the N64.

In fact late last year there were even rumors that a Game Boy Classic could potentially be in the works as well. Either way take it with a grain of salt and hopefully we’ll have more details later this year.

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