A lot of the things we experience on a daily basis are taken for granted. For example sometimes we complain about how gloomy the sky is, or how bright it is, but never did we consider that there are some who live in perpetual darkness due to either being blind or are visually impaired somehow.

However we’ve seen various companies try to use technology to help the blind see again, such as Google who have recently launched an app called Lookout that helps the blind/visually impaired learn about their surroundings by identifying objects around them and giving users audio cues.

According to Google, “There are over 253 million blind or visually impaired people in the world. To make the world more accessible to them, we need to build tools that can work with the ever-changing environment around us. Our new Android app Lookout, coming to the Play Store in the U.S this year, helps people who are blind or visually impaired become more independent by giving auditory cues as they encounter objects, text and people around them.”

This is similar to what Microsoft previously launched which also uses sound and audio cues to let the blind or visually impaired know what’s around them. Recently Ford also created a similar concept for their car windows, where braille would be used to tell passengers what’s outside.

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