T-Mobile and Sprint have been involved in merger talks for the past few years but a deal was never reached. The talks always fell through due to one reason or another and yet not too long ago, it was reported that the companies were talking about a merger yet again. Things appear to be quite far along already because a new report suggests that this $26 billion deal might be announced later today (Sunday).

The merger talks first started back in 2014 when Sprint tried to acquire T-Mobile. While talks began once again last year, they ended without a deal in November 2017 because both companies couldn’t find common ground. It was then reported a few weeks ago that T-Mobile and Sprint were exploring a merger once again.

Even if the two companies are able to reach an agreement, it’s still unknown whether the deal will be allowed by regulators. The U.S. mobile market only has four major carriers and if two were to merge it would seriously limit competition. Something of this sort has happened before as well, in 2011, when AT&T tried to acquire T-Mobile but the deal received stiff resistance from the FCC and the Department of Justice. The sale was ultimately blocked.

CNBC reports that T-Mobile and Sprint are close to clinching a deal and that they could announce this $26 billion deal as early as Sunday, April 29th. No official confirmation or denial has come in as yet, though.

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