While we expect that the investigation into Uber’s unfortunate self-driving accident that resulted in the death of a pedestrian will continue for some time to come, Uber has at the very least closed the chapter with regards to the family involved. The company has reportedly settled with the daughter and husband of Elaine Herzberg, the pedestrian in question.

Unsurprisingly the terms of the settlement were not given, and neither did the family offer any further comments as they consider the matter to have been resolved. While this does not mean that Uber is out of the woods yet, we suppose at the very least they won’t have to worry about a lawsuit from the victim’s family.

That being said, Uber’s accident will not doubt hamper the progress of self-driving cars. We’re sure that there have been some who are skeptical about the concept to begin with, and this accident will not doubt compound their fears and concerns about the technology. Uber themselves have halted their tests, with the state of Arizona also suspending the company from further testing.

Recent reports have also suggested that a possible cause of the accident could be due to Uber scaling back on the number of sensors installed in their self-driving cars, at least compared to their previous-gen test model and the competition.

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