Google Maps can be a lifesaver not only in your home city but particularly when you’re traveling and want to find out how to get from one place to another. It doesn’t just show the fastest route to take in the car but also provides transit information and even directions for those who would rather walk. Google is now making it even more useful by adding support for 39 new languages to Google Maps.

Google Maps looked a lot different back in the early days over a decade ago and it was only available in English back then. A lot has changed over the last fourteen years as the service has been considerably improved with new features.

The company mentions that more than one billion people use Google Maps to discover new places and get things done. They rely on it to find the best driving, biking, and walking routes or just run a quick search to see how much traffic is there on their route.

Google announced today that it’s adding support for 39 new languages spoken by an estimated 1.25 billion people worldwide to Google Maps. The languages now supported include Afrikaans, Amharic, Azerbaijani, Croatian, Danish, Filipino, Turkish, and many more. All of them are listed on Google’s website.

The new languages are now available for Google Maps on both iOS and Android.

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