Artificial intelligence (AI) has been used to great effect where it can help predict and automate a bunch of things. It has also been used in the healthcare industry where it can be used to predict psychosis and also potentially predict death which will be useful when trying to determine the best end-of-life care for patients.

Now it seems that Chinese researchers have managed to develop AI that can diagnose prostate cancer as well as a pathologist. The goal here is to eventually reach the level where it can help compensate for the shortage of pathologists and where it can possibly automate or semi-automate the diagnosis process which involves taking a biopsy to be examined.

However according to one of the researchers Hongqian Guo, the goal of the AI isn’t to replace the job of a pathologist. “We still need an experienced pathologist to take responsibility for the final diagnosis. What it will do is help pathologists make better, faster diagnoses, as well as eliminating the day-to-day variation in judgement which can creep into human evaluations.”

To train the system, the researchers took 918 prostate samples from 283 patients. The images were subdivided into smaller samples to train the system and to increase accuracy, in which based on their testing produced pretty accurate diagnosis of 99.38%.

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