If you play the electric guitar and hate getting tangled up in your cables while you’re jamming, then Boss might have something for you. The company has recently unveiled their new guitar amplifier called the Katana-Air which they’re calling the “world’s first wireless guitar amplifier”, a rather bold claim.

For those who have been playing guitar long enough, you know that there are wireless guitar amplifiers, which is how some musicians on stage play. However what makes Boss’ Katana-Air so different is that it is completely wireless, meaning that you don’t need to worry about plugging it into a power outlet or cables to attach your guitar to the amp.

The amp will come with its own receiver and there is also a detachable transmitter that you can plug into your guitar. This is pretty much an all-in-one solution which will make practicing on the go a lot easier. It will also make it an ideal setup for musicians who gig a lot and want something a bit more portable.

Since it is wireless, it also means that it runs on batteries which could potentially affect the sound output, but since we haven’t tested it for ourselves we can’t be sure about that. In terms of pricing, it seems that it has been priced around the $400 mark which makes it rather pricey, but we suppose that’s the cost of going completely wireless.

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