Image credit – TNW

If you’ve ever taken a look at a comments section on Facebook, you know that sometimes especially when it comes to hotly contested topics, that people can get rather abusive and attack others who do not share their opinion. While having a healthy debate can be conducive, sometimes these comments are anything but.

However according to a report from TNW, it appears that Facebook is testing out the ability for users to post private comments. What this means is that if you post a comment on a public post, you have the option of making it private so that you can choose who sees your comments, thus saving users from potential abuse from random strangers on the internet.

As you can see in the screenshot above, when posting a comment users have access to a padlock icon which gives users four options to choose from: friends and post owner only; friends only; post owner and commenter only; and everyone else. However it should be noted that these features are currently in testing which means that we’re not sure if and when it will be rolled out to everyone else.

However we have to say that it is a rather good and useful idea, and it could potentially allow more people to engage with a post without fear of unwarranted reprisal.

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