One of the key features of the Apple Watch Series 3 is its ability to make phone calls, assuming that you purchased the cellular option. While some might find the cellular feature a bit of a novelty and unnecessary, for John Zilles, the decision to purchase the cellular model has saved his life.

In a report from the Daily Mail, it seems that Zilles who is an avid kitesurfer was out surfing in Ventura where he recently learnt how to use a hydrofoil, a “wing” that allows for kitesurfers to rise above water. Unfortunately for Zilles, he realized that he had somehow managed to cruise way offshore and into an area where a great white shark nursery was recently discovered.

Zilles had initially attempted to try and swim to shore, which he estimated would have taken two hours. While Zilles himself did not see any sharks, he remembered that there were reports of sightings which unsettled him, which is when he decided that he decided to call the Ventura Harbor Patrol for help.

Thankfully they managed to find him with some guidance from Zilles to his location. Claiming to be impressed by the Apple Watch’s capabilities, Zilles says that he later wrote to Apple’s CEO Tim Cook to tell his story, in which Cook reportedly replied with, “wow. happy to hear you are safe.” This is not the first time we’re hearing about the Apple Watch saving a life, and we doubt that it will be the last.

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