With every release of a new piece of software, there are bound to be some issues that tend to be resolved over time. Such is the case with Apple’s recently released iOS 11 in which according to users, has been somewhat problematic with apps reportedly feeling sluggish and battery life being poor.

Apple released iOS 11.0.1 not too long ago that is supposed to have addressed some issues, but battery drain might not be one of them. According to a recent survey conducted by Wandera of 50,000 iOS devices, they are finding that battery drain in iOS 11 is proving to be a pretty huge problem.

Based on their survey, they found that the battery decay rate for iOS 11 is significantly shorter than that of iOS 10. For example they found that with iOS 11, it took 96 minutes for a phone to go from 100% to 0%, whereas iOS 10 took around 240 minutes. Of course this won’t be the same situation that all iOS users will face since depending on how you use your phone, your settings, and so on, it could last longer or shorter.

However it does seem to indicate that there is a problem with battery efficiency and that is something that Apple definitely needs to address in future updates.

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