The idea behind virtual reality (VR) technology is to help create more immersive experiences where users are transported into virtual worlds. However sometimes this can feel rather lonely, after all imagine being inside a virtual world but with no one to interact with? Apparently those are some changes that YouTube wants to make.

So much so that during Google I/O, YouTube announced that they will be making some changes to YouTube VR where they will introduce features such as shared rooms and live voice chats. What shared rooms do is that they provide a space in which users can co-watch something together, and where they will appear in these shared rooms as avatars that can be customized and they can chat using their real voices.

We suppose the idea is to help replicate what it might be like to go to a cinema together with friends, or going to an exhibit and talking with people about what you’re seeing, your opinions, and so on. If this sounds familiar, it is because Oculus has something similar in the form of Oculus Rooms where users can share a VR experience together.

According to Google, these changes are expected to be rolled out later this year, so if you are a fan of VR technology then this could be worth looking out for.

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