The other day Twitter announced that they had entered into a partnership with Bloomberg in which Twitter would be streaming live news 24/7. However it turns out that isn’t the end of Twitter’s streaming ambitions, but rather the start because the company has since announced 16 new streaming partnerships.

This includes companies such as BuzzFeed, Vox Media, Viacom, the WNBA, and the PGA. This no doubt marks a new direction that the company will be heading in where video will be one of their main focus. Twitter isn’t alone in their interest in video as we have seen Facebook also attempt to get into the video game.

We’ve also seen the likes of Instagram and Snapchat who have also launched video initiatives of their own. However whether or not Twitter will succeed in their video efforts remains to be seen as the platform isn’t really known for that sort of thing. As the report from Fortune points out, Twitter will need to convince its users to change their usage habits, where instead of coming just to read short blurbs, they will come for videos instead.

In any case these services should be going live in the near future so if you are an avid Twitter user, it looks like your Twitter experience will be expanded upon.

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