T-Mobile announced its Digits service late last year. It has been in beta since then. The service enables T-Mobile subscribers to use one number across multiple devices, including but not limited to smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches. It’s similar to how Google Voice functions. T-Mobile has confirmed today that the Digits service will go live in the United States next week.
T-Mobile Digits will enable subscribers to use multiple numbers with a single device. This means that they no longer need to carry separate phones for personal and professional use. Those who subscribe to the service will be able to send and receive text messages on their tablets and PCs.
It will even enable families to have a shared number that rings on all devices simultaneously. T-Mobile previously confirmed that Digits will work across Android and iOS devices. It can also be accessed on PC using the Chrome or Firefox browser.
Apps for iOS, Mac, Android, and Windows will be provided. Some smartphones from LG and Samsung will have Digits integrated into their native dials while iPhone users will have to use the Digits app to make calls and manage their lines.
T-Mobile subscribers can get the Digits service on all existing lines for free. They can add additional lines to Digits for $10 per month for a limited time.
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