We’re sure that many of you guys have seen this or have been part of a scene when you’re out for a family or social gathering, but everyone’s noses are buried in their phones or tablets instead of talking to each other. Some have even suggested that mobile devices have caused the death of conversations around the dinner table.

However a recent survey commissioned by T-Mobile and conducted by ORC Caravan have found that the opposite to be true. According to the survey, it has been found that mobile devices are actually bringing families together instead of tearing them apart. The survey found that 70% of parents responded favorably and said that mobile technology has allowed them to get closer to their kids, thanks to communication via email, text, voice calls, and social media.

Another 48% of parents said that they enjoy speaking to each other via group chats, with 54% saying that Facebook is the most used social media platform that they use to communicate with their kids. This is versus the 23% of parents who use Snapchat and 22% that use Instagram, although we guess those are very different platforms compared to Facebook.

To be fair the survey was commissioned by T-Mobile who would no doubt benefit from parents signing themselves and their kids up for mobile plans, but the results are still pretty interesting. What do you guys think? Do you agree with the findings of the survey?

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