Sending money over instant messenger isn’t a new feature. In fact we’ve seen quite a few platforms support the feature, such as with Facebook Messenger and Gmail, and soon it seems that you can use Google Assistant to perform such actions too, as confirmed by Google on its Android Developers blog.

According to Google, “In the upcoming months, we’ll also enable people in the U.S. to send or receive payments via the Google Assistant. On your Google Home or Android device, it’s as simple as saying “Ok Google, send $10 to Jane for pizza.” All you need is a debit card linked to your Google account.”

As you can see from the GIF on the right, using your voice is just the first step and users will need to use their fingerprints to verify and authenticate themselves before the transfer takes place. This means that users won’t need to go through separate apps or swap between multiple apps and remember account numbers to make transfers.

Of course all of this is designed to keep users within Google’s ecosystem, but we can imagine that it will be much more convenient. No word on when the feature will roll out so we guess users will just have to keep an eye out for it.

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