Over time as user habits start to change, so must the user interfaces of software and websites. What used to work 5 years ago doesn’t necessarily work today, and if you’ve used the internet long enough you’ll know how websites have evolved from using frames to tables to CSS.
That being said, the folks at Android Police have recently noticed that Google has given its mobile search UI a bit of a change. As you can see in the screenshots above, the one on the left is the current UI that most of you guys will see, while the middle and screenshot to the right are the new ones that Google seems to be testing out.
Clearly there are some huge differences, namely how Google has taken away the blue link colors and the green wording that is used for categories/directories. Instead Google seems to be going for a largely monochromatic look which we can’t say we’re totally loving, especially since it just feels like a wall of text and doesn’t make it clear what can or cannot be clicked on.
However it should be noted that this is a test, meaning that there is no guarantee that what you see here will be permanent. Google could simply be trying something out and will most likely revert to the older design, but in the meantime what do you guys make of it? Yay or nay?
Filed in Google.
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