Now the good news for Android users is that come Android O, you can expect LastPass to be even more functional and convenient than ever. This is because the company has announced that they will be taking advantage of the new Autofill APIs that will be part of Android O’s new features.
According to LastPass, “Autofill APIs are going to let us save you even more time on your Android device, because we’ll be able to help you fill in more than just passwords. The Autofill Framework lets apps like LastPass recognize credit card forms and addresses as you come across them. If you’ve got that information stored in your vault, we’ll be able to safely fill it for you.”
That being said, Android O has yet to be released. The update has been announced and a developer preview is available, but that’s hardly the finished product, but given Google’s history of releasing Android updates, Android users can probably only expect the final version to be released in the later part of the year.
Filed in Android, Android O, Apps, Google, LastPass and Security.
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