If you want to watch a movie online, there are so many ways you could go about it. You could purchase a copy of the movie and download it onto your computer. Alternatively you could turn to the use of streaming services like Netflix to watch it, or if you’re after music, you can also choose to stream it, watch it on YouTube, or purchase it piecemeal.
For those who aren’t so initiated to such services, not to worry because Google has made an update to its iOS search app in which users will be able to find the various services that they can watch their movies from or listen to music. As you can see in the screenshot to the right, below the Knowledge Panel there will be various entertainment services in which users can choose to watch Zootopia from.
This works similarly for music where music streaming services such as Apple Music, YouTube, or Spotify can be used to access the songs. Google will also be displaying pricing information for these contents when applicable, so you know how much you’ll have to pay before navigating to the website.
Note that these features aren’t exactly new per se as Google has already made this available for Android as well as for desktop computers, so in reality the feature is only coming to iOS devices now.
Filed in Entertainment, Google, iOS, Movies and Music.
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