In a post on the Overwatch forums, the game’s director Jeff Kaplan confirmed that they are working on 3 new maps for the game that will be release for Quick Play and Competitive Play. Kaplan also confirmed that there will be an additional 3 non-standard maps in development that will not be part of Quick Play or Competitive.
According to Kaplan, “We currently have 3 maps in development, all past the initial playtesting phase that are “standard” maps (QP/Comp). While something could always change, all 3 of those are looking likely for a release this year. We also have 3 non-standard maps in development (these won’t go in QP/Comp). We also have a few other experiments going on.”
As he states, the maps are set for a release this year, although when exactly they will be released remains to be seen, but it’s something that Overwatch players will want to keep an eye out for.
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