You’ve seen movies and TV shows where a spy or someone who doesn’t want to be overheard can deploy some kind of gadget. It seems that fiction is about to become reality, thanks to a device called Hushme which is a voice mask designed for mobile phones, where the idea is that you’ll be able to keep your conversations private.
According to the founders of the company that created Hushme, they were inspired to create such a device when they were out for lunch with friends, and a girl sitting near them was wearing headphones while on a Skype conversation, thus leading to her speaking louder and letting everyone hear what she had to say.
Admittedly Hushme looks a little silly as it is a mask that you wear around your mouth, kind of like Bane from Batman. How it works is that it muffles your voice which makes it harder for others to hear, and there is also a built-in speaker that can also play sounds while you talk, which could help counter what you have to say so that others nearby will have a harder time picking it up.
It’s an interesting idea and somewhat novel and we’re not sure how many people would actually want to use it. However the company believes that there might be a market for it and they plan to start commercial production by the end of the year. It is expected to retail for $249 and there are also plans to bring it onto a crowdfunding platform in May 2017 as well.
Filed in Privacy and Wearable Tech.
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