Amazon offers its Prime Now service in select markets, users can get thousands of daily essentials delivered to them for free within two hours of placing the order, provided that there’s a two-hour delivery window available. Previously, the app had to be used to order items or Prime Now had to be accessed from a computer. Not anymore. If you’ve got a device that has Amazon’s virtual assistant Alexa on it, Alexa will take care of ordering stuff from Prime Now for you.

Amazon has confirmed that Alexa can now be used to order thousands of essential items from Prime Now using just voice commands. Alexa can be used to order multiple items at once, it will also make recommendations and automatically choose the next available two-hour delivery window.

Ordering stuff from Prime Now via Alexa will be as simple as saying out “Alexa, order chips from Prime Now.” The relevant item will arrive at the user’s door within the next available two-hour delivery window.

Amazon has also confirmed that users in select cities can also use Alexa to order beer, wine, and spirits from Prime Now and get two-hour delivery using just their voice commands.

“We’re excited to offer the full Prime Now catalogue with Alexa, including tens of thousands of items, which allows you to refill everyday essentials you’ve just run out of like diapers or dish soap, or cater to unexpected guests with merlot and ice cream, all without ever leaving your house or even getting up from the couch,” said Assaf Ronen, the Vice President of Voice Shopping at Amazon.

This feature is live now on all Alexa devices like the Echo, Echo Dot, Amazon Tap, Fire TV, and Fire Tablet.

Filed in Gadgets. Read more about and . Source: businesswire