If you’ve spent a fair amount of time editing photos, you know that you can save your edits as presets and use them to apply to photos in the future, assuming that you want them all to look a particular way. This saves photographers and editors a lot of time, especially if there is a certain theme or style that they want their photos to look like.

However have you ever seen a photo and wonder how that photographer managed to edit their photos in such a way that achieved that look? Some photographers might offer up their presets as downloads, but for those who don’t, the good news is that the folks at Adobe and Cornell University have figured out a way that can actually copy one photo style from one picture to another.

As you can see in some of the sample images above, we’re talking about a complete transformation where a photo taken in the day can be transformed into a photo that looks like it was taken at night, complete with the same lighting techniques and colors. How this was achieved was through the use of deep learning methods to capture the lighting and color cues from the reference image.

It is  then applied to the photo in a natural way so that the end result looks like it was edited that way on purpose, as opposed to just slapping on the various filters that might make it look unnatural. For those interested the research paper can be found here while the code to this photo transfer technique can be found on GitHub.

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