The other day it was speculated that maybe one of the reasons why some users were reporting issues with their 5K LG UltraFine displays is because they placed it close to their routers (see LG’s official statement in this link). According to various user reports as well as from an email from LG themselves, it all points towards router proximity being an issue.
However on the flipside, there are some users who are refuting the claims, including AppleInsider themselves who said that when they were reviewing the unit, it was placed within 3 feet of two different routers, and that they did not encounter any such problems. Instead it seems it has been suggested that maybe the problem could lie in the Thunderbolt cables.
According to their source within Apple corporate, they were told, “At first analysis, it may be an issue with insufficient RFI shielding on a very limited quantity of the cabling bundled with the monitor. We’re continuing to look into the rare trouble reports with the monitor.” Both LG and Apple are said to be investigating the issue but it does not seem that they have a definitive answer yet.
It is unclear as to how widespread this problem is, so maybe there’s no need to panic right now, but it is clear that there are some users experiencing problems with the display at the moment and it seems that only the 5K monitors are the ones affected by it.
Update 2/3/2106: LG has contacted Ubergizmo (at the bottom of the article) to say that moving WiFi routers at a distance beyond 2 Feet should solve the issue, which was diagnosed by LG as shielding issue. LG confirms that monitors manufactured after Feb 2017 will feature additional shielding. Customers who are still experiencing issues, can contact LG for support.